For three reasons:
There are a lot of things you can find on the Internet and you can research and plan your next trip on your own, especially if it’s something you enjoy doing. We are here to save you hours of browsing, comparing places, sites and reviews or you can let us help you with picking the things you know you will enjoy and making sure your selections are right for you. You can use (or not use) as many things we suggest as you want to make it your choice rather than a miss. Plus, we want to create a community of likeminded travellers and make it affordable to get the best of the best experiences recommended by explorers like you.
As you picked a Custom Designed trip, we will need to create one that works for you. We will use our experience and expertise to create the best-personalized trip experience based on the information you provided. It’s simply not there until you ask! Just give it a try and see how it will change your experience!
We create your own trip experience based on your preferences. As you let us know your destination and other details, we will call you within 24-48 hours to discuss your preferences. We will provide you with a custom PDF that includes your personalized itinerary, map with route and stops for exploring, food and fun things to do.
In a short while you will be able to post your own experience to share with the rest of our online community. When it’s up & running, you will be able to gain financial reward when other community members pick and use your destination itineraries. Stay tuned, more to come on this!